Community Use of School Facilities
The Maintenance Department shall review the submitted request form to ensure the applicant has completed the necessary information. The Superintendent may permit the uncompensated use of facilities and property by any school related group, including student political organizations, or by any organization whose membership is open to the public and whose activities promote the educational function of the District.
If given approval by the Maintenance Department and the School Principal, costs, evidence of insurance and other requirements are to be indicated and the request returned as indicated below:
An e-mail will be sent to the school principal once approved. The Maintenance Department is responsible for notifying the applicant of the approval, conditions (if any) imposed or denial of request and reason for denial.
If costs are involved, a signature is required on Exhibit KF-EC below the area specifying the fees and conditions.
Payment is required prior to the requested date of use. All liability insurance is to be secured by the applicant, with evidence being sent to the Business Department one (1) week prior to the date of use. Failure to secure acceptable liability insurance will cancel the use of agreement. Any cost overruns for services or equipment will be billed to the applicant.
- Use of School Facilities Regulations
- Renter Classifications & Fee Schedule
- Use of School Facilities Request Form