Purchasing Office
In an average year, the Purchasing Office issues approximately 2,000 purchase orders with an estimated value of $5.5 million. All purchases involve public money. Therefore, the District is guided in procurement procedures by several established principles.
These guiding principles include, but are not limited to:
- Conducting all procurement in accordance with the Arizona State Law and the Balsz School District Board policies.
- Obtaining the best quality for the best price in a timely manner.
- Maximizing and encouraging fair competition, and providing interested and qualified vendors with an opportunity to offer their products and/or services to the District.
The Balsz School District is a member of the following purchasing consortiums:
Arizona State Procurement Office
Mohave Educational Services Cooperative (MESC)
Greater Phoenix Purchasing Consortium of Schools (GPPCS)
Strategic Alliance for Volume Expenditures (SAVE)
The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN)
Vendor Registration
Balsz School District particpates in AZPurchasing Cooperative. To register go to http://www.azpurchasing.org. Once there, go to register tab and follow steps .
Once registration process has been completed, District requires a W-9 form. Please fax or e-mail form to Amanda Caraveo.
E-mail: acaraveo@balsz.org
Fax: 602-629-6433
Phone: 602 629-6464
Purchase Orders Terms and Conditions
Retail Sales Tax Rates