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Balsz District Wellness Policy

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First page of the PDF file: Balszwellnesspolicyflyer1

The Local Wellness Policy is intended to guide our district’s efforts to establish a school environment that promotes the student’s health, well-being, and ability to learn.  Focusing on the whole child, the Local Wellness Committee recommends changes to the wellness policy and district procedures to promote wellness throughout the school day and during school-based activities. The committee also develops best practices for implementation of the policy at the school level to promote the wellness culture.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

First page of the PDF file: FY24Recommendations-BalszESDOctober2024
First page of the PDF file: BalszWellnessReportCardOctober2024
First page of the PDF file: LWPComparaisonAugust2024

Student Wellness Policy

First page of the PDF file: PolicyJL-StudentWellness-JL-RAJL-RB_1

Wellness Policy Activity and Assessment Tool

First page of the PDF file: ActivityandAssessmentBalszOctober20241