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Title I-A

Title I-A is a federally funded program contained in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) that supplements regular classroom instruction by giving assistance to students at risk of failing to fulfill state academic standards.  The goal of Title I Part A - Improving Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged is to provide all children with a fair, equitable, and high-quality education.

Criteria are met by schools based on overall student enrollment and the number of kids who qualify for free and reduced lunch. Schools with 35%-40% F & R are qualified to participate in a Title I Targeted Assistance Program. A Schoolwide Title I Program is available to schools with a F&R score of 40% or above.

Parent and Family Engagement Policy

First page of the PDF file: districtparentandfamilyengagmentpolicy

Parents Right to Know

First page of the PDF file: parentsrighttoknow

Equitable Service for Private Schools

First page of the PDF file: BalszSchoolDistrictEquitableServiceswithPrivateSchoolsdocx

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