Staff Absence Reporting
Here are two important links for requesting and reporting absences:
IMPORTANT! Are you familiar with the absence request and reporting procedures?
Please Read the Following - And if you are not sure about how to proceed, ask your supervisor or contact Human Resources!
I. Planned Absences (personal, vacation, professional, FMLA, etc.):
1. Request time off 30 days in advance online at Employee Access
2. Report to Frontline after approval and at least 36 hours before absence online at
Scroll down and find Frontline
3. Phone in notice of your absence to your immediate supervisor.
Important Notes:
- Reasonably anticipated Family Medical Leave requires 30 days notice.
- One of the six personal leave days may be used for personal reasons without prior approval.
II. Unexpected Absences (sick, bereavement, etc):
1. Report to Frontline: Before 5:00 a.m., or as soon as you know. Report online using the directions above or call 1-800-714-3076.
2. Phone in notice of your absence to your immediate supervisor.
Important Notes:
- Physician's release to return required for three or more days sick leave.
- Physician’s certificate may be required as evidence of illness.
- After the 5th day of absence, BASIC will mail Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to employee.
- Employee must respond to BASIC notice to qualify absence under FMLA.